Monday, 31 October 2016

Happy Howlloween! The annual Howlloween at Bark Park was almost a washout. October's been very soggy, with 28 rainy days out of 31, but the Sun God smiled on us yesterday. We had perfect weather & it was great fun!

Yay! Party time at Bark Park! 

Molly, my BFF.

Ralphie was a randy Minion!
Beau & Callie

Hanging with Falstaff

Refereeing the wrestling match between George & Oliver.
Firedog checking to see if someone needs rescuing.

It was too much excitement for this pup,
who sure can climb!
I know where the good treats are!

Monday, 24 October 2016

Halloween at PetSmart. We forgot our camera & had to make do with the cell phone. At least it didn't catch fire or explode. ;-)

iPad pic by PetSmart staff.
Yummy spiders!  ;-)
Baby Toby looks like a stuffy fireman. =)
Even Coco the guinea pig joined in the fun.

Sunday, 16 October 2016

It's been a wet, wild & woolly few days! The wind finally settled down, but the rain was too unpredictable, so it was a good day to post some more pix...after some serious vegging!

Three consecutive storms didn't make too much of a mess
around our place.  Thankfully, there was no damage or
power outage at home.
Molly & I got to enjoy some of this yummy bird at her place
for Thanksgiving. We gobbled up some giblets too! =)
Not many peeps at Mac Beach on Thanksgiving Day.

The tide was in so there wasn't much sand to walk on, but
there were lots of logs & stuff to check out.

And of course, I did get to play with my ball.

Sunday, 2 October 2016

The much delayed "What I did this summer" catchup is finally here!

That tail made me think there was a giant
raccoon at Bark Park!

Having fun as usual.

Mum, are you sure you didn't hide my ball up there!???

Taking a break.

Chewie's actually the one getting chewed on by Rosie!

All in good fun though. Both youngsters had a good romp.
Enjoying the late summer sun in the hood.

Checking out the birds.....
And the bees.....
Go down the slide?!?
Nah.....I don't think so!

Wandering around outside of the River Rock Casino.
I was feeling lucky, but they wouldn't let me in. =P

Another romp at the beach.

Pretty rough water that day!

Don't usually see canoes here.

Kenji hung out with me for the day while his humans
went to a wedding.

Enjoying yummy beef bones.
Kenji....what a cutie!

Good thing Kenji doesn't mind that I look like a
ragamuffin compared to him.
All tuckered out! It was a longer day of fun than
Kenji's used to.
Strolling around McArthur Glen Mall & I
even got to go into some of the stores!
And none were pet stores! Huh!
I get tired from too much fun too!
Moka lives in my complex a few doors away. She stops by
often to say hi & to check out my yard. =)